“American Woodmark has always demonstrated a strong affinity for assembling diversity of backgrounds, experiences, skills, as well as genders on the Board of Directors. We are a stronger board because of this breadth, and we are committed to building upon this success,” said Martha Hayes, Board member since 1995. “Having served on the Board for many years, it is a genuine pleasure to see not only the numbers of women expand, but also the roles for our women directors increase. Women have now very successfully filled the Chair positions on each of the three standing Board Committees: Audit, Compensation, and Governance.”
“We applaud Mr. Dunston and the board of American Woodmark for engaging the diverse opinions and perspectives of both genders on their board,” said Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, CEO of 2020 Women on Boards. “Studies have shown that the varied perspectives of women are uniquely valuable to corporations and the challenges they face today.”
2020 Women on Boards (2020WOB) is a global education and advocacy campaign committed to building public awareness and momentum towards the goal of achieving at least 20% of all public company board seats to be held by women by the year 2020, the milestone 100th anniversary that commemorates the 19th Amendment, when women won the right to vote.
The campaign’s signature programs include the Gender Diversity Directory, a database which tracks the gender composition of company boards, the annual Gender Diversity Index report, and the National Conversation on Board Diversity events held in more than thirty cities each November.
Awards recognition
American Woodmark named Winning "W" Company by 2020 Women on Boards
August 15, 2019
We are pleased to announce that American Woodmark was recognized as a Winning “W” Company for having at least 20 percent women on the board of directors. The board of directors is currently 33 percent women.