- We donated hundreds of 3-D printed face shields to hospitals across the country since March
- Our plant in Monticello, Ky. made a donation of over 2,000 gloves and 40 pairs of cut-resistant sleeves to the Wayne County Health Department
- The Stephens County Hospital received protective suits from our Toccoa, Ga. plant mere hours after the request went out to the community
- Team members at our Pacifico Plant built multiple bed bases from MDF boards donated by American Woodmark for a temporary hospital site at a local stadium in Tijuana, Mexico
- Our Gas City, Ind. plant donated 3-D printed “comfort strips” to Indiana’s Marion General Hospital which helps protect the skin on the back of the staff’s ears while wearing surgical masks for entire shifts
Thank you to all our teammates who stepped up to help keep our frontline hospital workers safe!