Foundation supports community during COVID-19

May 19, 2020

As COVID-19 began spreading in the United States, the American Woodmark Foundation funded 84 grants across the country. To keep our communities safe and fed, local teams focused on grants that would help meet the challenges brought on by COVID-19.

“We knew that with schools closed and many people suddenly out of work, our local food pantries would need more help than normal. Once the local team started getting into this quarter’s grant process, they paused, reflected on current events, and decided to reach out to organizations like Highland Food Pantry, The Salvation Army, and Lord Fairfax Area Food Bank to encourage them to get applications in as soon as possible. Due to the teams’ quick thinking we were able to pivot and put money into our communities where it was needed most during these difficult times," said Brenda Dupont, chair of the American Woodmark Foundation.

Other areas the teams focused on during these trying and unusual times included grants to promote healthcare, food insecurity, online schooling, homeless shelters, crisis intervention and suicide prevention.

A small selection of other organizations helped in the past few months include:

Featured in the grant presentations at the top of the page are members of the Corporate American Woodmark Foundation Team: Christy Foltz (Team Leader), Becky Sine, Tracey Burrell-Combs, Denny Baker, Steve Beall and Greg Mathes.

The American Woodmark Foundation was founded in 1995 to support the communities where our employees live and work, living up to our Mission Statement of being good citizens. Each of the plants in the US have their own employee-run team that provides grants to local non-profits on a quarterly basis, and we plan to expand into Mexico during the current fiscal year. Set up as a totally separate entity from the rest of the organization, the American Woodmark Foundation is funded once a year from the company’s prior year’s profits.

“We welcome the opportunity to serve our communities, and consider it a privilege to assist such worthy organizations in their efforts to make a difference in the lives of our constituents,” said Dupont.

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