Keeping our employees safe during COVID-19

April 30, 2020

Since early March, we began proactively implementing the following procedures and safety modifications that meet or exceed local and state government requirements around COVID-19:

  • Health screening procedure for all employees prior to entering our facilities.
    • Employees answer specific questions about exposure to COVID-19.
    • Determine if employees are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. Specifically, we administer temperature screening for 100% of employees before they enter the building. Anyone that fails is asked to return home until safe to return to work.
  • Face masks are available to employees who want them as availability allows, even if not required.
  • Our facilities are cleaned at regular intervals daily per updated CDC cleaning guidelines.
  • Strategically placed partitions have been installed between each cabinet assembly workstation to minimize contact.
  • Social distancing is strictly observed throughout our locations, indicated by blue taping on the floor. Tables/chairs in the training and lunchrooms have been appropriately spaced.
  • Staggered lunch and break times have been established to reduce the density of people in one space.
  • American Woodmark leadership provides regular communications to the company at-large about any updated measures that have been put in place to continue to keep our employees safe.

To help keep the communities American Woodmark employees work and live in safe, we have been busy making masks, producing 3-D printed components for healthcare providers’ face shields and other activities. We are proud of our employees and all that they do to keep everyone safe!

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